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Headwaters Fountain

"The central fountain features two monu-mental, classically inspired hands holding letters of the alphabet. The letters remain a fragment of a word, a symbol for a sound, but togetherthey symbolize the potential for communication and the unquench-able thirst for knowledge. Water pouring over the surface of the fountain reminds the viewer of thevariety of sounds that letters create."-University Public Art Collection

"Carved in Carrara, Italy, from African black granite and Kashmir gold granite, the sculpture is a masterful blend of symbols relating to life’s journey, as well as a revelation of ideas based in English, philosophy, and education."

Headwaters 2002 by Larry Kirkland.

© 2014 by Adrienne.Christian.Judson


Texas Tech University

2500 Broadway

Lubbock, Texas 74909


Phone: 806.742.2011


Undergraduate Admissions:

West Hall 2500 Broadway

Lubbock, TX 79409-5005


Phone: 806.742.1480


Graduate Admissions:

Administration Building 328 

P.O. Box 41030

Lubbock, TX 79409-1030


Phone: 806.742.2787

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