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Will Rogers & Soapsuds

A campus landmark located at the entrance on campus and that can be recalled by all Texas Tech allumni since 1950 is the statue of Will Rodgers and Soapsuds. Dedicated in 1950 he statue stands 9ft 11inches tall and weighs 3200lbs. It is popular belief that the reason for the statues angle, is so that soap suds rear end is pointed toward the former Big 12 conference in-state rival Texas A&M university. However this is not the case, the reason for the statues angle is so that Soapsuds rear end doesn't piont towards the downtown city hall area. But it is still fun to pretend.

© 2014 by Adrienne.Christian.Judson


Texas Tech University

2500 Broadway

Lubbock, Texas 74909


Phone: 806.742.2011


Undergraduate Admissions:

West Hall 2500 Broadway

Lubbock, TX 79409-5005


Phone: 806.742.1480


Graduate Admissions:

Administration Building 328 

P.O. Box 41030

Lubbock, TX 79409-1030


Phone: 806.742.2787

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