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"Wind River" Statue

"In the history of sculpture, the horse is commonly depicted in a public monument in tribute to the warrior or hero. This heroic tradition may be observed on Texas Tech’s campus in the bronze sculptures of Will Rogers and the Masked Rider. The Butterfield horse invites viewers to look at this animal—full of symbolic and cultural significance—in a new way. Works of art that encourage the viewer to study an animal, an object, or an idea from a fresh perspective seem particularly appropriate within a university, for the paradigm shift one experiences in the academic environment is often a gateway to intellectual growth and personal discovery."

- University Public Art Collection

Deborah Butterfiled.Wild River.2004. Bronze. Murray West Hall (West Entrance)

© 2014 by Adrienne.Christian.Judson


Texas Tech University

2500 Broadway

Lubbock, Texas 74909


Phone: 806.742.2011


Undergraduate Admissions:

West Hall 2500 Broadway

Lubbock, TX 79409-5005


Phone: 806.742.1480


Graduate Admissions:

Administration Building 328 

P.O. Box 41030

Lubbock, TX 79409-1030


Phone: 806.742.2787

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